[ad_1] In response to COVID-19, many governments imposed strict restrictions on freedom of movement. This strategy has proven to be effective in reducing the spread of the pandemic and saving lives. However, many women and girls have suffered as a result of the confinement measures which have increased the risk of domestic violence. Girls and…

[ad_1] I wrote this last month. Then, it was just me. Now, it’s the human condition. By Lynne Rhys I’m in the middle of a major autistic shutdown. It’s the first I’ve had since being diagnosed. I’ve had them before but for the first time I know what it is. I stand at the bathroom…

[ad_1] This is a selection of resources for autistic and/or disabled people and their family members during the COVID-19 pandemic. Feel free to suggest more options in the comments. COVID-19 Information including Plain Language, Easy Read format, and Social Stories Resources Animated COVID19 explainer for people with developmental disabilities (Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities Services)youtu.be/MJ8eeC-tVD4…

[ad_1] Upcoming Webinar: 04/22/2020, 1 PM Eastern Time (U.S.) Learn skills to handle disagreements with family members, resources for virtual social interactions, and general guidelines about coping with the lockdown for individuals with ASD and their families. Support for Individuals with ASD: Coping with Family and Virtual Interactions During COVID-19 Name* First Last Email* jQuery(document).bind(‘gform_post_render’,…

[ad_1] Published April 9, 2020 Join us for a webinar onApril 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM EST Panelists Becca Lory Hector, Paul Morris and Julie Lounds Taylor will discuss challenges in employment for autistic adults during this time, and answer your questions about gaining, maintaining or changing employment during this time. Filed under: featured [ad_2]…

[ad_1] We recently co-hosted a webinar on Disability and Inclusion Strategies During COVID-19 with Magical Bridge foundation, to address some of the issues disabled and autistic people and their families are struggling with right now. Jill Asher from Magical Bridge moderated, TPGA’s senior editor Shanon Rosa ran the questions, and our panelists were three disabled…

[ad_1] The last week has felt like one long news ticker — spiraling coverage of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), compounded by a steady stream of school closures and event cancellations, video of toilet-paper battles in Costco, and one Presidential address after the other. With so much new, bad information coming to light each hour and…