El 1% de la poblaciĂłn mundial padece trastornos del espectro autista. En Argentina, se estima que 400 mil personas responden a ese diagnĂłstico, incluidos el sĂ­ndrome de Asperger. Andrea Abadi, jefa del Departamento Infantojuvenil de INECO, responde todas las preguntas sobre esta condiciĂłn. Mirá más contenidos en: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/ln-t58215 Seguinos en: Facebook: https://facebook.com/lanacion Twitter: https://twitter.com/lanacion Instagram:…

El asperger es una forma de autismo. No es una enfermedad sino un trastorno que implica dificultades para la interacciĂłn social, como la comprensiĂłn de las ironĂ­as o los dobles sentidos. El orden, la simetrĂ­a y la disciplina son algunas de las obsesiones de quienes lo padecen, pero sus preocupaciones, como las de Macarena, son…

A young boy with Asperger’s syndrome got his birthday wish after thousands of friends threw him a surprise party. Odin Camus gets bullied at school and when no one RSVP’d to his birthday party, his mother was worried that Odin wouldn’t feel special on his special day. She turned to social media and posted a…

Successful Social Skills Development Program For Aspie Adults: http://easpergersinadults.com/ Asperger And Autism Forum Community: http://wrongplanet.net/ Coping with Aspergers in Adults – Mirrored from – Originally Uploaded by 4mationsTV on May 29, 2009 source Autism, ADHA Articles and Videos

Do you know anybody with Asperger Syndrome? You probably do. Asperger’s is a form of high functioning autism, and many people with autism have made enormous contributions to society. In fact, some of the world’s biggest and most well-known geniuses were autistic or had autistic tendencies. Here are 25 Famous People With Asperger Syndrome. READ…

This video (part 2 of 2) is intended for use by college students with Asperger Syndrome to educate their professors and teaching assistants about what it means to be a college student on the autism spectrum and how they can help promote success. This DVD is a collaborative effort between the Organization for Autism Research…