[ad_1] Art therapy provides many benefits for children with autism because it promotes emotional and mental growth as well as independence and collaboration skills. As an outlet for self-expression, imagination, and creativity, art can contribute deeply to improving a child’s fine motor skills, visual and spatial discrepancies, and coping (ActToday.org) For children with autism, art…

[ad_1] I have a long history with successful autistic social groups. I started my first in 2006, and although I moved out of the area eight years ago, it remains thriving and still operates under the same general principles. I’ve started several groups in rural areas (where people tell me “there isn’t enough interested people…

To receive credit, visit: http://www.freece.com/freece/CECatalog_Details.aspx?ID=a421d022-887b-473a-8110-dc097ef688e8 Program Overview ADHD is often thought of as a disorder of childhood; however, 50-75% of children with ADHD continue to experience symptoms in adulthood and 32% of ADHD prescriptions are for adults. ADHD in adults is associated with significant concerns including work difficulties, social issues, and increased risk of substance…

Urgent Asperger Syndrome Treatment And Support Information Links For Adults Suffering Social Isolation, Social Anxiety And Depression From Loneliness. – Updated 24 February 2014 Successful Aspie Social Skills Mentoring Program —http://easpergersinadults.com/ Adult Asperger’s Diagnosis And Accurate Online Test —http://www.aspergerstestsite.com/75/autism-spectrum-quotient-aq-test/ Aspie Community And Support Groups Information — http://www.wrongplanet.net/ Coping with Asperger Syndrome – Mirrored from –…

Look out for these 9 symptoms to spot Aspergers in adults. Aspergers in adults is not always easy to spot, knowing that aspergers is a hidden disability and the aspergers test isn’t that straight forward. Helping people understand Autism from a person with Autism’s perspective. There are lots of celebrities and famous people with aspergers,…