[ad_1] Dr. Edward Hallowell Foreword by Rick Green Ned is kind of like the Stephen King of Attention Deficit  Hyperactivity Disorder, he has written so many books. Often he writes with others and of course he has editors and proof readers.  In other words, he knows you don’t create anything amazing all by yourself, and…

[ad_1] It is the norm — not the exception — for college students with ADHD and other learning differences to experience academic, organizational, and social challenges in college. Aggressive course loads, sudden independence, and an inescapable social scene are certainly a source of problems. But compounding all of that is the fact that many teens…

In this animation we explain what ADHD is and how it differs from another attention disorder: ADD. The characteristics and symptoms will be discussed. Also, the treatment of ADHD is discussed and we show how counseling can help cope with the symptoms. Healthchannel makes complex medical information easy to understand. With 2D and 3D animations…

[ad_1] Dr. Edward Hallowell Foreword by Rick Green: Dr. Hallowell had a profound influence on my life for ten years, and then I actually got to meet him.  You see, I had read every book that he had authored or co-authored about ADHD, so the opportunity to drop by his house and sit down and…

[ad_1] The Relationship Between Procrastination and ADHD Have Jeff Copper Read This Blog For You Laura McNiven once wrote “You can’t treat ADHD through the lens of shame and blame”.  I think that’s a really profound statement to remember, especially as you read this blog. One more thing I want to share with you is…

[ad_1] Your Approach to Looking for a Job Might Be All Wrong If I had followed the standard advice and chosen a career simply because I was good at it, or had some talent, or general interest in it, today I might be a piano teacher, horticulturist, or a stenographer.  And let me be clear,…