
Dear ADDA community,

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed things over the last few days and weeks. So please…

Stay safe. Stay home.

It’s simple advice. But it’s not easy. We have lost structure. And connection.

Without our routines, without people, we have little to ground us. We become susceptible to anxiety, panic and despair.

You have the tools to prevent such dire consequences. You can create a new structure. You can find new ways to connect with people. ADDA can help.

Having somewhere to be and a reason to connect with people is an excellent start.

Create New Routines

The easiest way to create new routines is to associate them with existing routines. If you plan to attend an ADDA Webinar, you put it in your agenda. It’s a simple matter then to plan to finish eating before the Webinar. Keep working back… when should you start preparing supper? Put a few things on your schedule and before long, your day falls into place.

Connect with People

Connect with people. Connecting with people makes you happier. Connecting with people promotes better health and even boosts your immune system. Studies show your relationships will help you live longer. Everyone hungers for connection. You don’t need a reason to reach out. (I don’t know why we won’t call someone without a “reason,” but we often won’t.) Connect with the people in your life.

Don’t have people you can connect with? The best way to expand your circle of friends is by meeting people with common interests. An ADDA support group is an ideal safe venue to meet new people. ADDA has operated as a virtual organization for the past five years. We were practicing social distancing before it was cool.

Adjust Your Expectations

Don’t aim for perfection. You’re not going to be as productive as usual. But if you’d like some help, check out the Productivity Powerhour+ group. Not able to go to the gym? Check out the Healthy Habits and the ADHD Brain Group. We provide accountability and support in keeping up with your goals. We have these and so many more.

ADDA is your organization. As adults with ADHD, we have built-in flexibility and creativity. We can throw together new programs (Webinars, support groups, workshops and new events) at the drop of a hat. We have experience connecting virtually. Our volunteers are dedicated, knowledgeable and passionate. They are here to support you.

And if you need more structure? This is an opportunity to help others while you help yourself. Become one of our volunteers. Self-care looks different for each of us but is vital for us all.


ADDA is your place to go. ADDA members are waiting to connect with you.

To your success,

Duane Gordon, President
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)

*Portrait credit to Dominic Velando – https://www.facebook.com/dom.velando


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