Handouts are online at: http://www.ariconference.com/webinars/chandra2014.pdf

Certificates of participation will be available upon successful completion of a brief knowledge quiz after the webinar. The quiz will be online after the presentation at: http://www.classmarker.com/online-test/start/?quiz=n3x53aace2d778b5

Conventional psychiatric medications, including SSRIs and benzodiazepines, may not be effective for everyone with anxiety disorders. Others may find only partial relief with these medications or experience unpleasant side effects. Dr. Chandra will explore a whole-body approach to identifying the core imbalances underlying anxiety disorders, including the gut-brain connection, hormonal imbalances, immune system dysfunction, mitochondrial dysfunction, and methylation defects. Dr. Chandra will discuss holistic and non-pharmaceutical ways to treat anxiety by addressing these underlying metabolic imbalances using a combination of dietary changes, herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, and other natural approaches.


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