This video answers the question: How can we differentiate autism spectrum disorder from personality disorders? Specifically, when I talk about autism spectrum disorder, I’m referring to the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum and a presentation that doesn’t have intellectual impairment. When we talk about autism spectrum disorder, we know that this particular type of…

The number of children diagnosed with autism has more than doubled in the last two decades. Today, one in 68 children will be diagnosed with the developmental condition. VICE’s Gianna Toboni explores the transformative work being done at the forefront of autism research, meets families trying out some of the newest treatments, and discovers a…

[ad_1] I wrote this last month. Then, it was just me. Now, it’s the human condition. By Lynne Rhys I’m in the middle of a major autistic shutdown. It’s the first I’ve had since being diagnosed. I’ve had them before but for the first time I know what it is. I stand at the bathroom…

[ad_1] Q: I’m 60 years young retired woman. I’ve never been happy with my life, and now I believe the main reason is ADHD. I’ve given up on pretty much every goal and dream I’ve ever had. I’ve struggled with relationships, and my executive function has all but disappeared. I need to make the most…

(Visit: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is known to have a strong genetic component. However little is known about how autism risk genes relate to brain differences found in individuals with ASD and behavioral features of ASD. Susan Bookheimer, UCLA Brain Research Institute, reviews some of the primary genetic pathways that have been identified in…

Hanen Speech-Language Pathologist, Fay McGill, talks about some of the traits or behaviours you might see in young children on the autism spectrum. While having one or more of these traits does not mean a child has autism, it’s important to be aware of them so that you can consult a professional for guidance if…

Asperger’s Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities share many characteristics but are not the same. Watch and listen as NCLD’s LD expert, Dr. Sheldon H. Horowitz, offers a detailed overview of these disorders in one of a growing library of “Ask the Expert” videos at source Autism, ADHA Articles and Videos