[ad_1] Cannabis is used by a startling number of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Studies show that more than half of daily and non-daily cannabis users have ADHD1, and about one-third of adolescents with ADHD report cannabis use2. People with ADHD are also three times as likely as their neurotypical peers to have…

The video above is a clip of the full DVD, a video presentation for educating the classmates of teens with high-functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger syndrome. The goals of this AutismVision program are to: Increase typical peers’ understanding of HFA and Asperger syndrome Foster empathy and positive attitudes toward adolescents with HFA and Asperger syndrome…

[ad_1] I have a long history with successful autistic social groups. I started my first in 2006, and although I moved out of the area eight years ago, it remains thriving and still operates under the same general principles. I’ve started several groups in rural areas (where people tell me “there isn’t enough interested people…