

I personally use the DAYC-2 when I test children.   I also like to think about the learning progressions in the Early Learning Assessment and the Assessment of Basic Language and Learner Skills.  Regardless of what you use, there are basic learner skills that are needed before children can obtain higher, more academic based skills such as letter and number acquisition.  Skills such as visual discrimination: being able to match an object to a picture, pictures to pictures, non-identical pictures to pictures and so on.  We also need to think about being able to label nouns by touching and matching before possibly verbalizing sound approximations or whole words.  Did I forget to mention that most of my kiddos are coming in with little, to no functional language (YET!)?  How are they supposed to tell you what character they see in a book if they haven’t mastered those important basic learner skills yet? 

Cognitive IEP Goal Samples:

By 12/3/2020, Gina will see a picture of a noun and say the correct label in 4 out of 5 trials.  

For example:

Teacher shows a card with a picture of a noun (ie: apple), Gina says apple.

Gina will see an array of three noun pictures (ie: apple, ball, chair), hear the targeted noun (ie: ball), and match targeted noun object to picture. 


Teacher sets out a picture of an apple, ball, and chair.

Teacher says “ball” (targeted noun)
Gina matches the targeted noun object to the picture…

Objective 2

Gina will see an array of three noun pictures (ie: apple, ball, chair), hear the targeted noun (ie: ball), and match the targeted noun picture to picture. 


Teacher sets out a picture of an apple, ball, and chair.

Teacher says “ball” (targeted noun)
Gina matches the noun picture to picture

Objective 3

Gina will see an array of three noun pictures (ie: apple, ball, chair), hear the targeted noun (ie: ball), and touch targeted noun picture.


Teacher sets out a picture of an apple, ball, and chair.

Teacher says “ball” (targeted noun)
Gina touches the targeted noun picture

Objective 4

Gina will see a picture of a targeted noun and say the noun or sound approximation.


Teacher sets out a picture of an apple.
Gina says “apple” or “ah”

By 6/2020 after listening to a short story in a small group, Gina will respond to 5 questions by selecting a picture card that shows the correct information related to characters and major events of the story, scoring 5 out of 5, during 4 of 5 trials, as measured by teacher-charted records.

*This is a higher wh- question type skill goal!

By 12/20/2020, given 4 different shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle), Gina will expand her ability to match, identify, and sort the shape to its matching shape manipulative, scoring 4 out of 4 correctly sorted, for 4 out of 5 trials.

Objective 1

Gina will match shape objects (circle, triangle, rectangle, square) to identical corresponding pictures of the shape. 

Objective 2

Gina will match identical pictures of shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle).

Objective 3

Gina will sort two different types of shapes into two categories provided with a teacher model (ie: triangles and squares).

Objective 4

Gina will sort 4 categories of shapes using objects: triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles. 


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