
Palooza ADHD for women

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It’s a special “Leap Year” edition of the Palooza running February 24-29, 2020

One of the topics this Palooza will cover is a tricky path that we all have to navigate, and universally seem to struggle with. Should you tell anyone about your ADHD, and if so, who can you confide in? TotallyADD’s Rick Green will be answering these questions and more in his presentation on Friday, February 28th.

To find more about this free event and to register click here

Get ready for the 2020 ADHD Women’s Palooza!  

More than two dozen experts will be part of this extraordinary week of
insight and answers exclusively for women with ADHD. Topics include: Be Your Own ADHD Coach, Working
Memory Strategies for ADHD Women,  Why Does Race Really Matter in the
ADHD Women’s Community?, Appreciating Your ADHD Psychic Powers, Suicide:the Sobering Facts and Helpful Strategies, and What We’ve Learned
in 30 Years about ADHD Women’s Executive Function and a new Radical

And so much more! It’s all free of charge, with free replays of
all sessions! 

Register now, so you don’t have to remember to do that later, then join us February 24-29, 2020!


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